b'Complex (MFC)) have the necessary key capabilities to absorb the breadth of the Halden mission gaps (though probably not the full testing capacity desired by the international community) and are conveniently situated within 25 km of each other. Still, additional scientific infrastructure is necessary to meet the needs of the ATF program and continue sustaining the current LWR fleet. The primary testing gaps immediate partnership between DOE laboratory and Halden technical staff will ensure efficient development and maturation of these capabilities. The integrated technical program coordination for broader LWR fuels and materials irradia-tion testing (beyond ATF) provided by the Halden Reactor Project is a potential program gap that could be addressed through DOE and industry cooperation. Primary recommendations made to fill existing capability gaps include: working with Halden staff to transfer technology and knowledge while (1) accelerating development of the loss of coolant accident (LOCA) device for TREAT, (2) adding new pressurized water loops into I-positions in ATR, (3) continuing to establish refabrication and reinstru-mentation facilities at MFC, and (4) qualifying identified baseline instru-mentation for use in DOE test reactors (see Figure 2). Overall, the assessment and recommendations have received very positive response and support by the U.S. nuclear community, with strong recognized importance to sustaining the current reactor fleet and future advanced LWR technology R&D.Figure 2. Summary of primary recommendations to fill irradiation testing gaps with the loss of the Halden research reactor.232 2019|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS'