2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 85 Project Description: Technical objectives of this project are to evaluate the various process parameters and conditions of the tube production steps for Gen. II ATF wrought FeCrAl seamless tubes (Figure 2) produced through commercially available manufac- turing processes, suggest optimized processing routes and parameters for mass production of the ATF wrought FeCrAl alloy tubes with the improved production quality and reasonable material yield, and deliver the tube products for field testing in a commercial nuclear power reactor (Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Power Plant, Baxley, GA) to assess the feasibility of newly developed, accident tolerant FeCrAl alloy cladding in late 2017. Because of excellent steam oxidation resistance of FeCrAl alloys at elevated temperatures, the replacement of the current Zr-based fuel cladding with the ATF FeCrAl alloy tubes is expected to increase safety margin in Light Water Reactors (LWR) during severe accidents.The present project revealed a high potential to transfer the ATF FeCrAl tube production technology into commercial manufacturers and discuss/develop more economical pathway to fabricate such tube prod- ucts with sufficient quality to meet with the required nuclear grades. Accomplishments: Technical goal of the project is to deliver the ATF wrought FeCrAl alloy tubes with the improved produc- tion quality and sufficient lengths requested for the field testing. Based on the knowledge obtained regarding process conditions described below, the ATF wrought FeCrAl tube produc- tion with optimized process param- eters was carried out.The seamless, thin-wall tubes were successfully delivered in June 2017 with the size of ~10 mm outer diameter, ~0.4 mm wall thickness (with a tight size tolerance), and total length of more than 200 ft. This project achieved the successful mass production of the seamless, thin-wall nuclear-grade FeCrAl tubes for the first time.