2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 54 Accomplishments: The cold spray coating technology has been used by UW to deposit, FeCrAl and Mo alloy coatings on various Zr4 flat and tubular geometries obtained from AREVA (Figure 2). The Mo is used as an inter-diffusion layer between FeCrAl alloy and Zr4 to prevent formation of low-melt eutectic. Both mechanical properties and wear resistance has been characterized for the coated materials by UW. TAMU systematically studied the phase formation and diffusion kinetics at interfaces of FeCrAl coated Zr4 after prolonged annealing, and ion radiation responses.The subsequent mechanical property changes of each interface phase was studied using pillar compression tests. MIT has performed low tempera- ture and high temperature steam oxidation in addition to Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) prototypical corrosion/CRUD deposition and 4-point bend, pressurized tube and burst mechanical tests with the coated claddings to better inform the modeling and simulation work and understand new failure modes by the ATF concepts. MIT has also performed quench studies showing higher quench temperature but slower nucleate boiling rate for unoxidized FeCrAl surfaces compared to Zr4. MIT and UW are engaged in aTRACE/ MELCOR short term station blackout benchmark to gain confidence in each system code prediction of increases gains in additional coping time provided by the ATF concepts.Thus Figure 3. BISON predictions of the effective stress during a power ramp (top) and a Large Break Loss-of- Coolant Accident (LOCA; bottom) for Zircaloy-4, FeCrAl and Chromium coated claddings.