2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 161 being developed to enable the desired extreme fuel burnup levels.This fine microstructure provides an alloy with high strength at high temperatures and excellent radiation tolerance (e.g. reduced void swelling and ductility retention at low temperatures) but also increases the difficulty of producing engineering parts (e.g. thin walled tubes) from these advanced materials. Thus, in this project, research is underway to produce tubes using techniques such as high temperature hydrostatic extrusion, intermediate temperature plug drawing and low temperature pilger processing. Accomplishments: Through a collaborative effort between LosAlamos Laboratory (LANL), University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) a large heat (50 kg) of a nanostructured ferritic alloy (14YWT) was produced named FCRD-NFA1. Significant progress has been made this year at characterizing the microstructure of the consolidated materials and performing mechanical testing including tensile testing and fracture toughness testing. Characterization was performed on plates and hydrostatically extruded tubes. Plates showed microcracks produced from an in plane [001] texture produced during deformation but hydrostatically extruded tubes did not show any microcracks.The tubes produced from this heat of material using hydrostatic extrusion were made at CaseWestern Reserve This research is critical to the application of advanced ODS steels to engineering applications as it addresses one of the most difficult tasks which is to produce tubing from these radiation tolerant, high strength steels and the stability of these steels at very high doses. University (CWRU). High dose ion irradiations were performed on the hydrostatically extruded tubes and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) andAtom ProbeTomography (APT) after irradiation showed that the particles were stable up to doses of 585 dpa (see Figure 1). Future work is aimed at producing tubing using pilger processing at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)/Sandvik and determining weld procedures at ORNL.