2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 184 Figure 1. Gamma tomography showing the relative distribution of Ce-144 in (a) AFC-3A R4 and (b) AFC-3A R5. The black circles in the plot represent the cladding around the fuel. Intensity beyond the cladding is an artifact of the technique. Postirradiation examination of transmutation fuel concepts is on-going at both the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF) hot-cell and other INL Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) facilities. Currently 14 rodlets from AFC-3C,AFC-3D, and AFC-4A are actively being examined to ATF-1 Postirradiation Examination Highlights for 2017 Principal Investigator: Jason M. Harp Collaborators: Luca Capriotti, Gary Povirk, Steven Hayes, Douglas Porter, Pavel Medvedev complete baseline PIE characterization, and several other rodlets with composition and forms of high interest are being examined further.Advances in PIE techniques, including enhanced access to electron microscopy, continue to enrich the phenomenological understanding of nuclear fuel performance under irradiation.