2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 38 2.1 ACCIDENTTOLERANT FUELS ATF Industry Advisory Committee Committee Chair: Bill Gassmann, Exelon Collaborators: Jon Carmack The Advanced Light Water Reactor Fuel Industry Advi- sory Committee (IAC) was established in 2012 to advise AFC’s National Technical Director (NTD) on the development and execution of a program focused on advanced fuels for light water reactors.The IAC is comprised of leaders from the commercial light water reactor industry.They represent the major suppliers of nuclear steam supply systems, owners / operators of U.S. nuclear power plants, fuel vendors, and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Members are selected on the basis of their technical knowledge of nuclear plant and fuel performance issues as well as their decision-making positions in their respective companies. The IAC meets monthly via telecon- ference and in a face-to-face meeting once a year and is currently chaired by William Gassmann of Exelon Corporation. Additional members represent BWXT,Westinghouse Elec- tric Company, AREVA, Global Nuclear Fuels, EPRI, Dominion, Duke Energy, and Southern Nuclear.