2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 134 Accomplishments: The fuel compositions were developed by Cynthia Papesch, the Fuel Characterization work package manager to support the Metal Fuel Handbook. In recent years many of theTRU bearing characterization and irradiation alloys consisted of only plutonium alloys, even though many of the AFC-1 and AFC-2 series alloys also contained the minor actinides americium and neptunium.A driver for the plutonium only compositions was the lack of available metal minor actinide feedstocks. However, through the contributions of Leah Squires in the Feedstock Preparation/Purification work package usable quantities of metallic minor actinides have become available and were provided for characterization alloy production. Samples were produced at 5 mm diameter in order to facilitate laser flash diffusivity technique development using smaller than standard samples. Table 1 shows the composition, in weight percent, and the total mass cast. All of the alloys produced are legacy AFC alloys or are related to these alloys. 90Pu-10Zr and 70Pu-30Zr were not irradiated but are related to two binary alloys that were included in the AFC-1B/1D tests.The phase data of compositions in this range is conflicting in the literature and should be studied further. 70U-20Pu-10Zr was irradiated in the AFC-2E test and more recently in the AFC-3F test.Also, this alloy composition was one of the standard compositions proposed for the Integral Fast Reactor concept and is very similar to other proposed ternary metal fuel cycle compositions. 34U-29Pu-3Np-4Am-30Zr was included in both the AFC-1F/1H tests and the FUTRURIX-FTA test. Further characterization of the alloy is needed to clarify historical data collected under less desirable conditions, for example, in an air atmosphere glovebox allowing air to ingress into the instrument during some of the measurements.The final alloy, 65U-20Pu-3Np-2Am-10Zr, was irradiated in AFC-2E, and much like the other alloys needs further data collected to verify or clarify earlier produced data. Figure 1 shows the as cast samples.