2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 80 2.3 ANALYSIS Advanced LWR Fuel Concept Analysis Principal Investigators: M.Todosow Collaborators: L.-Y. Cheng, A. Cuadra In the aftermath of Fukushima, a focus of the DOE-NE Advanced Fuels Campaign has been the development of advanced nuclear fuel and cladding options with the potential for improved performance in an accident; these are referred to as Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATF). An assessment of the impacts of advanced LWR fuels/cladding on reactor performance and safety characteristics is needed to identify potential issues associated with their viability/desirability for potential implementation in commercial reac- tors. Figure 1. Normalized reactor power in a $1.05 RIA at HZP. In the aftermath of Fukushima, a focus of the Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Energy (NE) Advanced Fuels Campaign (AFC) has been the development of advanced nuclear fuel and cladding options with the potential for improved performance in an accident; these are referred to as AccidentTolerant Fuels (ATF).An assess- ment of the impacts of advanced Light Water Reactor (LWR) fuels/cladding on reactor performance and safety charac- teristics is needed to identify potential issues associated with their viability/ desirability for potential implementation in commercial reactors. Project Description: The analysis effort provides support to identify promising advanced fuels/ ATF candidates for further develop- ment.The project performs analytical assessment that includes neutronics analyses to evaluate the impact on performance parameters (e.g., cycle length/burnup, power distributions, etc.), safety-related characteristics (e.g., reactivity and control coef- ficients/worths, kinetics parameters, etc.), and performance in a broad spectrum of transient and accident scenarios.The key components of