2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 103 the modeling community, and these samples will likely be of great interest to modelers both in the Advanced Fuels Campaign (AFC) and in Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS). PIE was initiated on a UO2-FeCrAl concept fabricated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).This sample is destined for the ORNL severe accident testing station. Some fission gas was detected in the capsule of this test indicating that there may be a small leak in the rodlet. No visual defects were observed on the rodlet. An eddy current system was applied to the rodelt and no defects were observed.This was the first use of this eddy current system on irradiated fuel, so the lack of findings may be due to a less than optimized system. This sample is now ready for transfer to ORNL when an approved shipping method can be determined. PIE was also initiated on 2 ATF-1 rodlets from the Westinghouse concept (U3Si2-Zirlo).These rodlets were calculated to have reached a burnup of approximately 20 GWd/ mtU which is about 1 typical cycle in a light water reactor.The neutron radiography from these capsules and the ORNL UO2-FeCrAl concept are shown in the figure below.This radiography was performed while the rodlets were still in their stainless steel capusles.The difference in contrast between the Zirlo cladding (nearly neutron transparent) and the FeCrAl cladding (neutron absorbing) is quite obvious in this radiography. Cracking is observed in the U3Si2, but not more than would be expected from UO2 at similar burnups.Also quite significant is the lack of axial swelling in the U3Si2.There is no observable change in the axial fuel stack height in the U3Si2 between the as-fabricated condition and the height observed in neutron radiography.This indicates the axial fuel swelling is < 1% based on the limit of the accuracy of measure- ments that can be ascertained from neutron radiography (~100 µm). Gamma spectrometry did not reveal any significant migration of fission products in the uranium silicide.At this time fission gas release results are still preliminary, but the release is