2017 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 186 the microstructure data that can be ascertained from optical microscopy, it is now possible to examine many more samples and larger samples than can be examined using electron microscopy. This scale of microscopy can also better screen many samples and better identify the key samples to be sent to electron microscopy. Full cross section microscopy of AFC-4A R1 (annular U-10Mo) is shown in Figure 1. Efficiencies gained by this microscope allow for full cross section data to be collected at twice the magnification previously available in less than half the time.The 10 rodlets from AFC-3C and AFC-3D were received at HFEF and began the examination process. Removal of the rodlets from the capsules and some non-destructive exams have been completed. This project continues to provide data on the performance of fast reactor and transmutation fuel forms in the absence of a fast test reactor. Information learned from this project will support future development of a fast spectrum test reactor and research options to improve long term repository safety.