b'Combined TREAT-SATS LOCA Test Plan with Industry ConsensusPrincipal Investigator: Colby JensenTeam Members/ Collaborators: Robert Armstrong, Nathan Capps The AFC combinedT he U.S. nuclear energyin-pile and out-of-pile experimental industry has goals forapproaches to (1) provide clear licensing fuel burnup beyondtieback to the existing integral and TREAT and SATS LOCAcurrent limits of 62 GWd/t, targetingsemi-integral LOCA experiment plan will address cross- up to ~75 GWd/t. Loss of coolantdatabase using state-of-the-art facili-cutting industry needsaccident (LOCA) performance ofties. More importantly, this program as a first-of-a-kindhigh burnup fuel, in particularwill systematically investigate the approach to evaluatefuel fragmentation relocation andimpacts of: (2) prototypic high High Burnup Fuelsdispersal (FFRD), was ranked theburnup (HBu) fuel and cladding during LOCA. top research and developmenttemperature thermomechanical (R&D) priority by the Electricbehaviors under postulated light Power Research Institutes (EPRI)water reactor (LWR) LOCA conditions Collaborative Research on Advancednever fully investigated before. Fuel Technologies (CRAFT) FuelThese conditions correspond with Performance and Testing Technicalprototypic decay-energy heat up Experts Group (FPTTEG). To address(DEH) and stored-energy heat up industry needs, the Advanced Fuels(SEH) conditions of HBu fuel during Campaign (AFC) program haspredicted LOCA events. Unique developed a combined TransientTREAT capability will provide Reactor Test Facility (TREAT) andfirst evaluations of SEH conditions Severe Accident Test Station (SATS)on HBu fuels. The plan includes LOCA test plan with the support ofa description of the problem the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)addressed, key testing capabilities, and CRAFT framework. Under theexpected data streams (instrumenta-CRAFT framework and the AFCtion), test matrix, schedule, and program, the plan is intended toexperiment model descriptions, provide stakeholder consensus asenabling stakeholders to contribute a living document and serve as ato the test program through roadmap for addressing FFRD issuesmodeling and simulation informed and responding to new findings inexperiment design. The test plan the next several years. incorporates stakeholders review input to prioritize and maximize Project Description: cross-cutting data outcomes. The LOCA performance of high burnupfinal plan is to be presented to the fuel, in particular FFRD, was rankedFPTTEG and the CRAFT governing the top R&D priority by the CRAFTboard for formal endorsement as FPTTEG. The AFC test program wasthe industry-consensus LOCA test developed with stakeholder inputplan. Regular review and updates of targeting relevant conditions. Itthe plan will be necessary to ensure relies on a unique combination ofrelevance and impact.86 2022|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS'