b'This effort is an example of how award-winning computational tools are used to advance nuclear fuel technology.productive in avoiding meetingA full publication is currently fatigue and in spurring new ideas.under preparation to discuss the The main outcome of the studyfindings of this study more fully, was organized in a spreadsheetbut the key findings are summa-where fuel design and fabricationrized here. The highest ranked SFF options were ranked relative tooptions identified for the baseline impact on fuel fabrication, normaltechnology would use U-10Zr alloy reactor operation, off-normalwith additives (e.g., Sn) to mitigate reactor scenarios, and storage/ fuel cladding chemical interaction disposal situations. Within these four(FCCI), produced in a 75% smear categories, each option received twodensity annular slug geometry rankings, one each for a baselineby continuous casting, clad in and an enhanced set of performanceaustenitic stainless-steel alloy, and metrics. The baseline categoryfollowed by a final step to swage the assumed a once-through uranium- cladding diameter down slightly based fuel cycle with state-of-the-artto close the slug/cladding gap. The reactor performance needs (10%highest ranked SFF options for the burnup, 100 dpa cladding, 600Cenhanced fuel technology would inner cladding temperature). Theuse U-Mo alloy, also produced by enhanced category encompassedcontinuous casting into an annular plutonium and minor actinidegeometry, followed by coating/plating bearing fuel designs and strivedwith an FCCI barrier (e.g., Zr) on the for more challenging irradiationslug outer diameter, again with a final conditions (20% burnup, 200 dpastep to swage the cladding diameter cladding, 700C inner claddingdown likely using oxide dispersiontemperature). The baseline categorystrengthened (ODS) steel or advanced was weighted more heavily to helpferritic/martensitic if the ODS option prioritize near term technologycannot tolerate swaging.options in the grand average ranking, but the baseline and enhanced scores were also tracked discretely to identify candidates which diverge into near-term and long-term development phases.2022|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 139'