b'mented at the microscale (Owenorientations are mapped, deformation Kingstedt, University of Utah). Focus- fields are captured, and stress-strain ion beam patterning techniques andbehavior up to failure is captured. spectral analysis were leveraged toUsing these tools, the effect of spec-provide full-field Scanning Electronimen geometric ratio on mechanical Microscopy (SEM)-distortionbehavior at the mesoscale and the corrected displacement and strainmicroscale for copper and Zircaloy-2 fields. This new technique, the SEM-at ambient and elevated temperatures GM, can resolve intra-granular and were quantified (Owen Kingstedt, Figure 3. Macroscopic stress-straininter-granular slip processes, enablingUniversity of Utah).distributions from 100 simulationsfurther understanding of deformationAdditionally, the capabilities of anof statistically similar microstructuremechanism communication andLS-EVP-FFT framework were extended instantiations compared totransmission across grain boundaries.experimental stress-strain curves forto incorporate a triaxiality-based OFHC copper. The shaded regionsExisting ductility laws fail tocontinuum damage mechanics span the quartiles (whereindicatesaccount for the contribution of(CDM) formulation within a the -th quartile) of the engineeringmicrostructural features, testingcrystal-plasticity constitutive stresses from the 100 microstructural instantiations at each strain point environment, and the length scalemodel (Ashley Spear, University at which material testing occurs.of Utah). The CDM formulation Before these laws can be modifiedwas augmented with an integral-to account for these contributorsbased nonlocal regularization to observed material behavior,approach that correctly handles practical improvements to testinggas-phase material necessary to are needed. With respect to thismodel unconstrained surfaces. need, a high-temperature micro- The improved model is capable tensile stage capable of providingof predicting microstructurally controlled temperature profiles wasdriven deformation and failure fabricated and utilized to conductprocesses. The modified modeling tension experiments on specimensframework is leveraged to assess whose thicknesses are comparablethe variability in ductility that to the penetration depths achievedcan be expected when small-scale during ion bombardment (justspecimens have a number of grains a few microns) (Owen Kingstedtin their gauge section below the and Jiyoung Chang, University ofrepresentative volume element Utah). During testing, the grain(RVE) limit.50 2022|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS'