2018 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 83 the as-built structure demonstrating significantly higher strength than the traditionally processed wrought alloys with minimal effect on the ductility. Additional multi-scale characterization was completed on the specimens to determine the factors controlling the observed strength and ductility for the AM-produced test specimens.The characterization efforts showed that the increased strength in the as-built specimen can be attributed to the fine grain size and carbide distributions which were produced due to the unique heat-cycling occurring during the additive process.The heat-treated specimens showed microstructures more consistent with those seen in traditionally processed HT9 which explains the reasonable agreement in mechanical properties for the ACO3 and FCRD processed specimens in the Figure in comparison to the traditionally produced wrought alloys. Based on the preliminary results, it is clear that defect- free FM steels can be effectively manufactured using laser-powder blown DED additive manufacturing with acceptable mechanical properties. Based on the preliminary task that has been performed, it is clear that powder blown additive manufacturing is a viable processing technique to fabricate large structures such as clads, wrappers and ducts for the next generation of advanced reactor concepts.