2018 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 117 of LOCA test trains and (2) demonstrating this capability by performing an in-cell integral LOCA test on high burnup commercial spent fuel. To perform LOCA tests on irradiated spent fuel, the fuel must be refabricated into test trains utilizing dedicated hot cell facilities capable of fuel rod sectioning, preparing metallographic mounts, fuel leaching, removing oxide layers from cladding, and fitting end-plugs either by welding or Swagelok. Fuel leaching is performed to remove approximately .5” of fuel from the ends of the fuel segment by using a beaker filled with nitric acid and hot plate. Metallographic mounts are prepared to determine the oxide layer thickness on the inner and outer diameter of the cladding.The measured oxide layer on the cladding end plug region is then removed by reaming the inner diameter and using a diamond file on the outer diameter using a lathe assembly equipped with both devices (Figure 1). Each of these steps helps to ensure an effective seal between the end-plugs and cladding during the welding process or when using a Swagelok fitting. Final assembly of the test train includes wrapping thermocouples 2” above and below the midplane, adding pressure lines and centering rings and inserting the assembled experiment into a quartz tube. Figure 2. North Anna fuel segment loaded in the SATS LOCA test apparatus.