2018 | AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 123 Project Description: The QUENCH facility at KIT was established to answer critical questions regarding perturbations to the reactor core that may result from design basis accidents (DBAs) and postulated severe accidents.The design of the facility can accommodate test bundles containing numerous (typically 20-30) 2.5 meter long cladding segments temperature controlled using annular zirconia pellets heated by an internal tungsten element.The power provided to the heating elements coupled with extensive instrumentation allows for precise control of the simulated core conditions following a wide range of transients. During the test, temperature and flow conditions can be monitored in addition to hydrogen generation. Melting of core components can also be induced to examine redistribution and material interactions. The objective of the first ever test of FeCrAl in QUENCH was a comparison of FeCrAl(Y) and ZIRLO under similar power and gas flow conditions. ORNL staff fabricated numerous FeCrAl(Y) (B136Y3) tubes and a larger shroud to the geometry required by KIT. FeCrAl spacer grids were also supplied to ensure that a representative ATF test was achieved. ZIRLO was tested previously by KIT researchers (QUENCH-15).The FeCrAl(Y) tubes were shipped to KIT and assembled to a representative assembly geometry.The QUENCH-19 test was then successfully executed on August 29, 2018. Initial data confirmed that the test was successful and online data collection active. Accomplishments: The primary driver for the present test was to establish the baseline performance of FeCrAl cladding with a specific emphasis on collection of data to benchmark MELCOR analysis. Although adaptation of material properties in MELCOR has been performed, to date no specific benchmarking activities have been executed due to a lack of experimental data.Test parameters were also matched to those of the previously completed QUENCH-15 test where ZIRLO was studied to enable a direct comparison of temperature and hydrogen generation. Two tests were performed. In the first, a FeCrAl bundle was heated to 1000C, reached following roughly 4000 seconds.The test