b'The second-generation Severe Accident Test Station (SATS 2.0) will simulate accident scenarios and evaluate fuel segment behavior under a wide range of conditions to support critical gaps, including tFGR, cladding performance (existing light water reactor and advanced reactor), high burnup LOCA scenarios, and fuel rod time at temperature evaluations.The SATS 2.0 furnace has beenfurther assess the systems capabili-successfully assembled and tested inties. Three of these tests followed an out-of-cell setting. Figure 2 showsthe standard SATS LOCA burst test thermocouple measurements fromprotocol at different pressures (6.2, the two commissioning tests with8.2, and 10.3 MPa), as depicted in unpressurized cladding specimen.Figure 3. Heating rates of approxi-In one of the tests, there was nomately 100C/s were successfully standard alumina filler rod (usedattained for these samples, and the as a surrogate for fuel in out-of-cellrecovered burst data aligns well testing), while in the second test, awith established empirical models filler rod was included. The resultantfrom historical data. For the fourth heating rate for the tube without antest, the sample was cyclically alumina filler rod was a consistentheated at a rate of 70C/s to a peak 120C/s from 300 to 1200C. Thetemperature of 800C and then sample with an alumina surrogateallowed to cool to 300C between also achieved a heating rate ofcycles. This test successfully demon-~120C/s up to 800C but the heatingstrated the capabilities of SATS 2.0 rate slowed significantly betweento simulate complex conditions 800 and 1200C. This effect wasobserved in anticipated operation likely a result of the increasing heatoccurrences, while mitigating capacity of the alumina filler rodtemperature overshoots.with temperature. Future work will investigate alternative surrogate materials to mitigate this effect. Four additional tests were conducted to 92 2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS'