b'The THOR capsule utilizes special- ensuring logistical success to loadFigure 3. Photos of an irradiated ized high temperature materialssodium into the capsule and insertTHOR experiment progression from requiring unique fabricationradioactive, high-burnup advancedfabrication and assembly through experiment irradiation (EIL High approaches, mastered by the INLnuclear fuel pins and segments.Temperature Test Laboratory - Fuels facilities over the past three years.The delicate assemblies must beand Applied Science Building - HFEF Its high-temperature-strength alloyprotected while processes and clever- TREAT-TREAT Control Room)body are intertwined with cutting- tooling devices were invented that edge instrumentation of opticalensure safe and successful capsule fiber-based sensors, unique elec- preparations. In all of this, complete tromagnetic transducers uniquelyengineering and detailed analysis produced in Norway, internalrecords are produced under rigorous heating capability, and more thanquality assurance standards to meet twenty thermocouple wire pairs toany potential customer require-map thermal histories that tell thements. Figure 3 highlights major story of the fuel samples it holds. Allexperiment progressive steps.these components must be fabri-cated and assembled carefully toAccomplishments:ensure the performance of sensitiveA complex system such as the THOR devices and signals, capitalizingdevice and its supporting infrastruc-on world-leading instrumentationture naturally come with surprises laboratories and expertise in thein the first-of-a-kind evolutions. Engineering Innovation Labora- A mountain of obstacles presents tory (EIL) at INL. Still, the biggestthemselves even when led by the challenges of THOR lay ahead ofbest irradiation testing and remote the main capsule construction, inhandling specialists in the world. For example, capsule leaks plagued 2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 17'