b'TWIST capsule as shown in FigureStates with a testing capability forFigure 3. Attachment of the 4 to complete the TWIST moduleLOCA events. This capability allowsthermocouples to the TWIST assembly for the first commis- critical safety testing for advancingspecimen claddingsioning test. LWR fuel and supports continued The first commissioning test onresearch on FFRD. It also provides the TWIST device was successfullythe needed capability to test larger completed in September 2023. Thisfuel segments than TREAT capsules milestone transient represents theused to date since restart.culmination of several years of workThe TWIST device was designed by a large multidisciplinary teamfor hot cell assembly and disas-and officially provides the Unitedsembly to support HBu testing. The 2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 105'