b'at Los Alamos National LaboratoryLaboratory (ORNL), with final alloyFigure 2. Image showing friction (LANL). This built on a large Levelconsolidation and characteriza- extruded rod of 14YWT produced from 3 milestone completed earlier thistion schedule for FY24. In parallellarger solid rod of 14YWT. Diameter is ~7 mm, length is ~35 mm, work done year, Current research and tech- to advancements in conventionalat PNNL by Dalong Zhang and Jens nology gaps related to candidatefabrication techniques, PrincipalDarsell under PI Stuart Maloycladding materials HT9 and D9,Investigator (PI) Stuart Maloy and led by Ramprashad Prabhakarancolleagues at PNNL have demon-and Stuart Maloy at PNNL. Thesestrated the ability to produce 14YWT, reports set the stage for futurefor the first time, using friction-extru- The Advanced Reactor experimental and modeling worksion methods as shown in Figure 2. cladding thrust is on these materials and will setA L4 milestone, FFTF-MOTAtargeted multi-lab up a final report due in FY24.Ferritic- Martensitic Steel Specimenintegrated experimental Additionally significant progress wasInventory at PNNL, was completedand modeling effort to made on fabricating a new large- by Mychailo Toloczko, PNNL, whichprovide a framework batch heat of optimized 14YWT forprovides the available legacy highfor qualifying advanced inclusion in the JOYO irradiation,dose irradiated samples from the Fastreactor materials.along with providing stock for futureFlux Test Facilitys Materials Open domestic irradiations. Alloy produc- Test Assembly.tion uses best-practices developedTarik Saleh, LANL, participated in over the past 20 years to reducethe DOE-CEA Bilateral agreements, impurity contents and provide anmaking progress toward finalizing alloy with high strength and fracturethe implementation agreement with toughness, and follows the processCEA to bring the Phenix irradiated used in Figure 1. Over the past twoMATRIX samples back to the US for decades, improvements in millingtesting. Additionally, he participated atmosphere and consolidationin the DOE-JAEA CNWG Advanced methods have decreased deleteriousFuel Meeting, leading cladding N and C levels, while maintainingdiscussions and planning for the suitably high O to form the complexJOYO irradiation. oxides necessary to give 14YWT its irradiation resistance and high temperature strength. This work was led by Caleb Massey and David Hoelzer at Oak Ridge National 2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 153'