b'focused on collaborative projects/ Expert Group onactivities with other NEA member- Innovative Fuel Elementsstates aimed at an effective partner- Josh White participated in meet-ship between experimental workings in Paris, France March 27-28, and modelling efforts. Dr. Capriottis2023, as the U.S. technical expert on presence was important to alignceramic fuel properties. The focus the newly discussed activities withof the Expert Group on Innovative DOE interests in the different fieldsFuel Elements (EGIFE) meeting was of nuclear fuel and modelling.for the group to work through the Future data exchanged may be usedcomments on the draft report on to validate DOE fuel performancemixed oxide (MOX) and metallic codes (e.g., MARMOT, BISON) in thefuel properties provided since future. This trip increased interna- April FY22 by a group of external tional cooperation and informationreviewers. In addition to progressing exchange through several NEAtowards finalization of the Proper-working groups. Informationties Report, plans for extension of exchanged in this meeting increasedthe Property group\'s work to other access to data from international fastphysical properties and additional reactor irradiations and access tofuel types were discussed. The codes used to simulate these experi- EGIFE is a part of the Organisa-ments and new activities (such as,tion for Economic Co-operation best practice in nuclear materialsand Development (OECD)/NEA characterization). Data collected inNuclear Science Committee (NSC)\'s this working group can also be usedWorking Group on Scientific Issues to benefit DOE simulation toolsof Advanced Fuel Cycles and brings such as BISON by providing addi- together world leaders on the prop-tional validation data sets. erties and performance of advanced Boone Beausoleil attended thenuclear fuels. There is significant EGSM and the EGFM. He presentedbenefit to the U.S. nuclear fuels on a joint US-Czech project toprograms through access to detailed explore the use of additivelyproperty and performance informa-manufactured high entropy alloystion of advanced fuels well beyond for nuclear applications to thewhat is available from historical U.S. EGFM. He presented a capabilitiesefforts. This engagement was a very assessment on test reactors and PIEeffective "multiplier" of U.S. invest-facilities available for fuel testingment in fuels for advanced fuel to the EGFM with a proposal to docycles especially considering that a gap assessment on advanced fuelsthe U.S. funding for advance reactor and testing. He also presented thefuels is currently low compared to advanced reactor fuels proposal forpast levels.the FIDES second triennial to theAFC staff attended the 6th EGFM and discussed what advancedOECD-NEA EGIFE at the OECD fuel testing needs there are withinheadquarters in Paris, France. The the community. working group discussed reviewer 28 2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS'