b"PIE was completed on Cr-coatedmaking it the first 100% ATF fuel cladding irradiated at 30GWd/ assembly. Framatome completed MtU, providing data on all the keya detailed visual fuel rod inspec-parameters required for licensingtion which reported excellent fuel purposes. Mechanical testing onperformances and no degradation of material irradiated in the ATRthe product. The fuel rods exhibited demonstrated the reliability of thea golden color, which is attributed Cr-coated M5Framatome designto very low corrosion kinetics. In which exhibits similar proper- addition, the fuel assembly was ties as M5Framatome. Fracturemeasured for fuel assembly growth surface observations on 15GWd/ with no unexpected results. The LTA MtU specimens demonstrated thatwas reinserted for its second cycle of cracks opening in the Cr at veryirradiation. In Europe, Framatome large local strains stop propagatingexpanded its irradiation program once reaching the Cr/Zr interface,with the delivery of 36 lead test rod leaving the Zr substrate to drive theto an EDF NPP for irradiation.deformation of the cladding withoutLoss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) degradation originating from the Cr. testing was carried out in CEAs At ORNL, all irradiations in the HighEDGAR testing device on Cr-coated Flux Isotope Reactor were completed,cladding. This test campaign demon-and mechanical testing on Cr-coatedstrated benefits of the Cr-coated cladding irradiated trough end of lifecladding when compared to baseline doses was initiated. ORNL completedmaterial with a smaller balloon size the first set of mechanical tests withand a smaller rupture opening size, axial tension testing at temperature,especially at high temperature. This demonstrating similar propertiesdata will support the development of between coated and non-coated clad- a LOCA swelling and rupture model.ding. At the PSI, the PIE on IMAGOFramatome is actively preparing for specimens irradiated in the Gsgenthe commercial opportunities the nuclear power plant (NPP) in Swit- Cr-coated cladding will bring. The zerland collected after two and threedesign and purchase of an industrial cycles of irradiation demonstrated nopilot physical vapor deposition hydrogen pickup is occurring beyondcoating machine has been approved the 1st cycle of irradiation. for deployment on the cladding Irradiations on NPPs is ongoingproduction site of Paimbuf, with lead test rods (LTRs) in theFrance, and will enable to produce United States (U.S.) and Europe,large quantities of Cr-coated clad-and a fuel assembly in the US.ding. Licensing efforts are ongoing The E-ATF ATF LTA (Lead Testto enable Framatome codes and Assembly) inserted in Calvert Cliffsmethods to support higher burnup Unit 2 in 2021 completed its firstand higher enrichments for optimalFigure 3. EDF LTRs manufactured cycle of irradiation (24 months) incycle operations. Framatomes U.S.in 2023 at Framatome's Lingen site February 2023. This LTA containsfuel production site in Richland, WA(Germany)176 Fuel rods manufactured withis currently undergoing upgrades chromium-coated M5Framatometo allow for the production of high and chromia-doped UO 2fuel pellets,enrichment fuels above 5w% U-235.2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 139"