b'Active Projects Awarded in 2019Nuclear Energy University Cooperative AgreementsLead University Title Principal InvestigatorUniversity of South Carolina Remote laser based nondestructive evaluation forLingyu Yupost irradiation examination of ATF claddingNorth Carolina State University Novel miniature creep tester for virgin andKorukonda Murtyneutron irradiated clad alloys with benchmarked multiscale modeling and simulationsUniversity of Tennessee atRadiation-Induced Swelling in Advanced NuclearMaik LangKnoxville FuelUniversity of Minnesota, TwinHigh throughput assessment of creep behaviorNathan MaraCities of advanced nuclear reactor structural alloys by nano/microindentationUniversity of Pittsburgh Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Irradi- Heng Banated Metallic Fuel Using TREATThe Ohio State University Neutron Radiation Effect on Diffusion betweenWolfgang WindlZr (and Zircaloy) and Cr for Accurate Lifetime Prediction of ATF2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 227'