b'benefits of ATF and extending theparticular at Idaho National Labora- to proposed Nuclear Regulatory burnup limit and licensed enrich- tory and Oak Ridge National Labora- Commission rulemaking. ment of current fuels; continuedtory and focused on test reactorThe IAC meets monthly via efforts in testing, evaluation andand post-irradiation examinationteleconference and is currently examination of new ATFs, especiallycapability; used fuel transporta- chaired by William Gassmann of relative to the lead test assembliestion, packaging and receipt issues;Constellation Nuclear. Additional operating in numerous commercialfuture plans for metallic fuel testingmembers represent Framatome, plants and focused on the near termand qualification; coordinationGlobal Nuclear Fuels, Westinghouse, doped UO 2and coated clad concepts;between DOE and industry groupsGeneral Atomics, TerraPower, BWXT steady state/transient testingsuch as EPRI and NEI; and DOENuclear, Dominion, Duke Energy, infrastructure needs and gaps, inassistance with industry responsesSouthern Nuclear, EPRI, and NEI.2023|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 129'