b'Figure 1. Capsule assembly pictures showing a fuel specimen placed in a cup (top left) and loaded into a capsule with a TM (top center, right). Six capsules are stacked together (middle) and welded inside a steel target (bottom).fabricated at ORNL using a traditionalThe monolithic MiniFuel capsules press and sinter approach with densitieswere successfully assembled, welded, generally in the range of 9297% asand tested per HFIR requirements and determined using geometric measure- one of the two targets was inserted ments, x-ray computed tomographyinto HFIR starting in cycle 487 (April (XCT), and a 3D optical profilometer2020). Figure 1 shows pictures of [2]. The U 3 Si 2disks were fabricated atthe experiment assembly process. The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)fuel is loaded inside a molybdenum using standard powder metallographycup (top left) and placed inside of techniques with densities generally ina molybdenum filler. This assembly the range of 9097% [3] as determinedis loaded inside the capsule (top using the same techniques. If XCT and/ right), which is welded in helium or optical profilometry can be usedafter inserting a passive SiC tempera-post irradiation, this could allow for ature monitor, or TM (top middle). direct volume comparison to quantifySix capsules are assembled in each radiation-induced swelling. stainless-steel target (middle), which 2020|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 89'