b' HT9 cladding with zirconium linersadequate closure of the weep hole. to prevent FCCI will be used withThe capsules were then able to pass U-10Zr, sodium-bonded solid pins. final inspections.This project will provide INL an FAST experiments were built into accelerated irradiation platform thatBISON models to begin predictive can be easily adopted to multiple fuelfuel performance assessments of forms and reactor designs. The ben- the experiments. These models efits will enable the Laboratory andare currently being evaluated and Department of Energy (DOE) to meetcompared to match the design industry needs for quickly investi- analysis results (i.e., finite element gating advanced fuel concepts and tothermal analysis) before turning achieve the objectives of deployingon more extensive material models safe, reliable, and economic operationfor the predictive analysis (e.g., fuel of next generation reactors. swelling, fission product distribu-tion, or fission gas release).Accomplishments: Bryon Curnutt presented the com-The FAST project has completed thebinatorial design process of FAST final fabrication and assembly ofat NuFuel 2019, an INL sponsored the experiments listed above and isfuels conference held at the Paul awaiting the 169A outage for insertingScherrer Institute in Switzerland. them into the reactor. The projectThe presentation highlighted the overcame numerous challenges,methods used for designing the especially those associated with workFAST experiments, including the shutdown during the initial COVID-19scripting of experiment parameters response. FAST is also being incorpo- for thermal analysis tools and rated into multiple research projectsneutronics analysis.beyond its initial scope in AFC.The FAST team led a workingMockup weld processes were notgroup on accelerated qualifica-successful in actual execution of thetion of advanced metal fuel for pressurized outer capsules. This wasfast reactor concepts. This group determined to be due to excessiveincluded involvement from AFC local heating and pressurization ofand Nuclear Energy Advanced the head space in the capsule. TheModeling and Simulation assembly team managed to respond(NEAMS) from multiple laborato-within a week with a new weldries and universities. The meetings process that reduced the time andresulted in a Phenomena Identi-load of the weld spark and enabledfication and Ranking Table (PIRT) 2020|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 127'