b'four 100 mm long coated claddingPressurized Creep Tube TargetsFigure 4. Design of the creep specimens with a target temperatureRabbit capsules were designedtube irradiation experiment [4].of 300350C (Figure 3).Spacers(Figure 4) and fabricated (Figure 5) align the assemblies to be centeredto irradiate pressurized creep tube around the midplane of the reactorspecimens made from coated zircaloy. core and a tapered aluminum holderWhile irradiation creep of standard counteracts the reduction in nuclearzirconium fuel cladding is well char-heating rates further away from theacterized, the effect of coatings on axial midplane of the reactor core,cladding creep has not been quanti-allowing for more uniform tempera- fied. To address this data gap, thin-tures throughout the length of thewalled zirconium rodlets were coated specimen. The single HFIR targetwith varying thickness and internally with four specimens produces twopressurized to generate a hoop stress dose conditions: one for the twoin the rodlet. Depending on the specimens in the centerline regioninternal pressure, this stress can be with minimal dose variation acrossas high as 190 MPa. An embossed, the specimens, and one for thecompressible zirconium foil was specimens loaded in the outermostplaced around the pressurized rodlet target positions with larger doseto maintain a constant heat transfer variations. The full-length irradiationpathand therefore constant ~300C vehicle design combined with priortemperaturedespite dimensional research demonstrating integralchanges in the rodlets due to irradia-LOCA burst testing on 100 mm longtion growth and creep. The diameter specimens [2] allows for in-cellof each rodlet is precisely measured integral LOCA burst testing orbefore irradiation using a customized fatigue testing of up to 4 specimens2-dimensional non-contact scanning per target and 2 dose conditions.2020|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 21'