b'Figure 1. Cr coated cladding after first cycle Mechanical, autoclave and in-reactorAccomplishments:testing are continuing for theA topical report on extending burnup Westinghouse Cr coated claddingup to 68 MWd/kgU was submitted to product to support an upcomingthe NRC in December 2020.Review topical report. meetings were held with the NRC andDevelopment of integral fuel rodrequests for additional information temperature, pressure and fuelon the previously submitted ADOPT swelling sensors that can be remotelyfuel topical were supplied. Irradiated monitored in conjunction withATF lead test rods (Cr coated rods and atomic scale modeling to reduce theADOPT pellets) were shipped to ORNL time for licensing. to begin post irradiation examination activities and mechanical and performance testing (Westinghouses 2021|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 95'