b'cask and the cart to be used for move-ment. Figure 2 (b) shows a photograph of the prototype on the cart with the translator table for alignment in the neutron beamline below. Both drawing and photograph show SHERMAN without the motion control stage to move the sample inside the cask. The photograph shows SHERMAN also without the beam shutters, providing a view on the beam window. The prototype is not yet filled with lead. During shielding simulations for the irradiated AFC-2D MOX several shine paths above the desired limit were identified. To mitigate those, tungsten bars and disks to be embedded in the lead inside the cask was purchased with a LANL infrastructure invest-Figure 2. (Left) Drawing ofmeet safety criteria such as simulatedment grant. The drop test simulations the SHERMAN cask on thedrop tests (e.g., during crane opera- using the ABAQUS finite element transportation cart for movement attions, Vedant Mehta/LANL), shieldingsoftware are on-going at the time of LANSCE. (Right) Photograph of the prototype fabricated in FY21 on topsimulations (to design the cask such thatthis writing (Vedant Mehta/LANL) and of the translator stage for alignmentthe dose rate on contact of the cask isthe purchased tungsten bars will also in the beamline and on the cart.below 100 mrem/hr for safe handlingcontribute to the structural stability Both drawing and photograph areby workers, Brian Gross/INL), and safeof the cask. While design, fabrication without the motion stage for sample movement in the beam for scansmovement of the SHERMAN cask byand commissioning were affected by along the axis of an irradiationcrane or cart. As an important step, athe COVID pandemic, in-beam tests at capsule or rotation for neutron CT. time-of-flight neutron imaging detectorLANSCE are planned for the fall 2021. to be used for this characterization atThe LANL SHERMAN design team are LANSCE was tested previously at theshown with the SHERMAN prototype Neutron Radiography Reactor (nRAD)in Figure 3. This effort (development facility at INL with an irradiated fuelof the concept in collaboration with and was able to withstand the emittedINL and ORNL, design, drop test and dose rate while still collecting neutronshielding simulations, commissioning imaging data (Aaron Craft/INL) [1,2]. etc.) is funded by AFC except for After an initial design in collaborationfabrication of the SHERMAN prototype with UC Berkeley (Peter Hosemann/ and the purchase of additional tungsten UCB), the cask was designed over theshielding, for which LANL funding is past years following the aforemen- gratefully acknowledged.tioned design criteria (Eric Larson,References:Travis Carver, Alex Long, Chris Fair- [1.] Tremsin, A. S., A. E. Craft, M. A. M. banks, Sven Vogel, all LANL) [3]. InBourke, A. T. Smolinski, G. C. Papa-fiscal year (FY)21, a prototype (fundedioannou, M. A. Ruddell, J. Littell, by a LANL TED Pathfinder grant, PIand J. Tedesco. "Digital neutron and Sven Vogel/LANL) was fabricated.gamma-ray radiography in high Figure 2 (a) shows the design of the 48 2021|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS'