b'profiled using an optical micrometerimage to the centroid of the engravedFigure 4. Photographs of the to accurately characterize any bowingmarkers. It is expected that the spacinginternal assemblythat may be present before irradiation.can be quantified to within less than Those measurements will be repeated10 m, which is equivalent to 0.01% post-irradiation to quantify radiation- linear strain (0.03% volumetric induced bowing. The pre-irradiationswelling). The experiment was success-bowing was measured to be as large asfully assembled (Figure 4) and inserted 0.67 mm on one face and as small asinto HFIR during cycles 492 and 493 0.25 mm on another, indicating that(May through July of 2021). During the expected radiation-induced bowingthese cycles, the samples were irradi-(~1 mm) can be measured. Theated for a total of 51.2 effective full spacing between engraved markers waspower days, resulting in a maximum measured using a 3D stage and a digitaldose of 0.09 dpa. Efforts are underway microscope. Additional analysis is beingto ship the experiment to the Irradiated performed to provide a fine adjustmentFuels Examination Laboratory (IFEL) to the marker spacing by determiningfor post-irradiation examination.the distance from the center of each 2021|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 71'