b'Active Projects Awarded in 2017Nuclear Energy University Cooperative AgreementsLead University Title Principal InvestigatorUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison Extreme Performance High Entropy Alloys (HEAs)Adrien CouetCladding for Fast Reactor ApplicationsUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison Critical Heat Flux Studies for Innovative AccidentMichael CorradiniTolerant Fuel Cladding SurfacesColorado School of Mines Development of Advanced High-Cr Kester ClarkeFerritic/Martensitic SteelsMassachusetts Institute Determination of Critical Heat Flux and Matteo Bucciof Technology Leidenfrost Temperature on CandidateAccident Tolerant Fuel MaterialsUniversity of Nevada, Reno Development and Experimental Benchmark ofMiles GreinerComputational Models to Predict CladdingTemperature and Vapor Removal from UNFCanisters during Drying OperationsMissouri University Gamma-ray Computed and Emission TomographyJoseph Grahamof Science and Technology for Pool-Side Fuel CharacterizationVirginia Commonwealth Evaluation of Accident Tolerant Fuels Surface Jessika RojasUniversity Characteristics in Critical Heat Flux PerformanceUniversity of New Mexico Nanostructured Composite Alloys Osman Anderoglufor Extreme Environments2021|AFC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 171'