​​The Advanced Fuels Campaign conducts research and development on Advanced Reactor (AR) Fuels for use in the next generation of advanced fast reactors.  AR fuels include metallic or oxide fuels that can include plutonium and/or minor actinides in order to support future fuel cycle options that may include an actinide transmutation mission; since such a mission would likely include some recycling of used fuels, recycle fuel compositions are also under investigation.  Current R&D activities in the area of metallic AR fuels include:  1) low-loss casting and extrusion methods of fabrication, 2) material characterization and property measurements of actinide- and lanthanide-bearing fuel compositions, 3) fuel-cladding interaction studies, including the development of coatings and liners to mitigate interaction and minor fuel alloying additions to immobilize fission products that participate in the interaction, and 4) irradiation performance testing.  Activities in the area of oxide AR fuels are more limited and focused on collaboration with international partners to advance the current state of knowledge on irradiation performance of MOX fuels with minor actinide additions.
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